Galerie Catier



1961 : Cheng Xiangjun est né en juin 1961, dans la province de Shenyang en Chine


1992 : Diplômé du Central Arts Collège de Chine en 1986, puis professeur agrégé au Fine Arts Collège, Université de Tsinghua Beijing.
Il vit et travaille à Pékin en tant qu’artiste professionnel et universitaire.


2018 : Seattle WASA International Art Center the « Reflection -Cheng Xiangjun Solo Exhibition»

2017 : Shanghai Oil Painting Sculpture Institute Art Museum “Source·Cheng XiangJun Individual Art Show” Shanghai, China
Shenzhen Art Museum “Source·Cheng XiangJun Individual Art Show” Shenzhen, China
Art Museum Of Academy of Arts & Design , Tsinghua University “Cheng XiangJun Individual Art Show” Beijing, China
Dalian Zhongshan Art Museum “Cheng XiangJun Individual Art Show” Dalian, China

2016 : Qiao ShiGuang Art Museum “Image·Natural Cheng XiangJun Painting Exhibition” Guangzhou, China
Beijing Water Cube e Art Museum “Source·Cheng XiangJun Individual Art Show” Beijing, China
Ningbo Art Museum “Source·Cheng XiangJun Individual Art Show” Ningbo, China

2015 : Du Art Centres “Art Vison—Cheng XiangJun Art Exhibition” Beijing, China

2014 : FUJIAN ARTMUSEUM “Painting in the Spring and Autumn Period—
Cheng XiangJun Scenery Oil Painting Retrospective Exhibition” Fuzhou, China
FUJIAN BRANCH ART MUSEUM “Painting in the Spring and Autumn Period, Fuzhou, China
Cheng XiangJun Scenery Oil Painting Retrospective Exhibition”
Art Museum Of Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade “Cheng XiangJun Scenery Oil Painting Retrospective
Exhibition” Fuzhou, China
Zhongshan Art MUSEUM “The soul of the tower of Babel—Cheng XiangJun Painting Exhibition Tour” , Dalian, China

2013 : HENAN ART MUSEUM “The soul of the tower of Babel—Cheng XiangJun Painting Exhibition Tour” Zhengzhou, China
XI : AMEN ART MUSEUM “The soul of the tower of Babel—Cheng XiangJun Painting Exhibition Tour” Xiamen, China

2012 : ZHEJIANG ART MUSEUM “The soul of the tower of Babel—Cheng XiangJun Painting Exhibition Tour” Hangzhou, China

2009 : MoGanShan Twocities Gallery “Return—Cheng XiangJun Lacquer Painting Exhibition” Shanghai, China
798Millennium Lacquer Gallery “Imaging—Cheng XiangJun New Lacquer Painting Exhibition”

2008 : 798Millennium Lacquer Gallery “Return—Cheng XiangJun Lacquer Painting Exhibition” Beijing, China
798SHANGTU Contemporary Art Gallery “Lotus—Cheng XiangJun Oil Painting Exhibition Beijing, China

2002 : Department of Arts and Crafts of Tsinghua University organized “Traditional Tradition Cheng XiangJun Lacquer Painting Exhibition

2000 : Huang ShiCheng  “YUNFENG Gallery” organized  “New Vision—Cheng XiangJun Lacquer Painting Exhibition” Beijing, China

1998 : National Art Museum of China “Thin Clouds·Cheng XiangJun Exhibition” Beijing, China

1997 : Cheng XiangJun Lacquer Painting Exhibition Beijing, China

1995 : National Art Museum of China “Cheng XiangJun Lacquer Painting Exhibition” Beijing, China


2019 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair, Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Bruxelles, Belgique
Antibes Art Fair, France

2018 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Bruxelles, Belgique
Antibes Art Fair, France

2017 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair, Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Bruxelles, Belgique
Antibes Art Fair, France
Jiangxi Provincial Art Museum « 4th Chinese Lacquer painting Exhibition » Jiangxi, China

2016 : Galerie Catier
Avenue Foch Art Fair, Paris, France
Fine Art Fair, Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Mechelen, Belgique
Champs Elysées Art Fair, Paris, France
Antibes Art Fair, France
Hubei Art Museum « Shi ·preface 2016 Hubei International painting Art Triennial Exhibition » Hebei, China
Hubei International painting Art Triennial Exhibition, China
Fuzhou International painting Art Triennial Exhibition Fuzhou, China
The Art Museum of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts « lacquer ·Italy 2016 Hubei lacquer Art Invitational Exhibition »

2015 : Galerie Catier
Avenue Foch Art Fair, Paris, France
Champs Elysées Art Fair, Paris, France
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Mechelen, Belgique
Antibes Art Fair, France
Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts teacher Works exhibition, Beijing, China
National Art Museum of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia « Chinese Contemporary painting Exhibition » Mongolia

2014 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair, Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Belgique
Avenue Foch Art Fair, Paris, France
Champs Elysées Art Fair, Paris, France
Antibes Art Fair, France
The 12th annual National exhibition of Lacquer Paintings Beijing, China
Gallery of China Strait painting Exhibition

2013 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair, Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Belgique
Champs Elysées Art Fair, Paris, France
Antibes Art Fair, France
The third National Lacquer Painting exhibition of Nanjing Art College Art Museum
Kyrgyz « Bishkek SCO Summit International Fine Arts painting Exhibition »
Korea-China Modern lacquer Painting Exchange exhibition, Nanjing, China

2012 : Galerie Catier
Palais des Congrès Art Fair, Paris, France
Champs Elysées Art Fair, Paris, France
Antibes Art Fair, France
Daegu Design Guild Gallery, International painting Art Exhibition and International Lacquer Art Seminar
The Great Hall of the people of Beijing »Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit-Harmony International Artist Painting Exhibition »
Exhibition of « Art Classics » of the National Academy of painting of China in Songzhuang Art Museum

2011 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Belgique
Champs Elysées Art Fair, Paris, France
Antibes Art Fair, France
The third Chinese Lacquer painting Biennale.

2010 : Galerie Catier
Pont Alexandre III Art Fair, Paris, France
Palais des Congrès Art Fair, Paris, France
Chinese Contemporary Abstract painting Exhibition
National Art Museum of China Beijing, China

2009 : Galerie Catier
Fine Art Fair, Namur, Belgique
Fine Art Fair Eurantica, Belgique
ParisLongchamp Art Fair, Paris, France
Trocadéro Art Fair, Paris, France
The 11th annual National Exhibition of Lacquer Paintings The 11th annual National Exhibition of Lacquer Paintings
The Chinese Art Museum « report to the motherland » – the 60 year art achievement exhibition of the founding
of the people’s Republic of China
« City » Irish, Chinese Contemporary Art Exchange exhibition

2007 : National Exhibition of Lacquer painting
The second biannual exhibition of Chinese lacquer painting

2006 : Busan International Technology Biennial

2005 : Chinese lacquer painting Biennale

2004 : Art literature nomination exhibition
The 10th Exhibition of lacquer painting of National art exhibition

2002 : China’s first youth Paint painter nomination exhibition

1995 : The 8th National Exhibition of Fine Arts works

1989 : The 7th National Art Exhibition

1986 : Chinese modern lacquer painting exhibition


2012 : Beijing “Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit–Harmony International artist Painting Exhibition »
Outstanding Works Award

2004 : Nomination for the academic nomination exhibition of Fine Arts literature

2001 : « Beijing International Art Expo » Award for Outstanding works
« Science and Art » nomination Award
Outstanding works Award of « Handicraft Art Exhibition of five Colleges and Universities in China »

1995 : « 8th National Fine Arts Exhibition » Award of Excellence

1989 : Bronze Prize in the 7th National Art Exhibition

1986 : « China Modern Lacquer Art Exhibition » Outstanding Works Award


2016 : Judge of Qiao Shiguang Art Innovation Award
Review of the 4th National Exhibition of Lacquer painting

2015 : As the second Chinese Youth Art Exhibition’s Re-evaluation judges
A preliminary Review of the 5th Chinese Lacquer painting Biennale in Xiamen

2014 : A preliminary comment on the « lacquer painting area of the 12th National Art Exhibition » and its reevaluation by the judges
Strait Lacquer Art exhibition » judges

2013 : Nantong « 1895 Chinese Contemporary Arts and Crafts Series Exhibition ·painting Art Exhibition » main Planning  Exhibition and judges

2012 : The third National Lacquer Art exhibition judges judges
People’s Art Publishing House »The soul of the tower of Babel – Cheng Xiangjun art »

2011 : The third Chinese lacquer Painting Biennial exhibition judges

2010 : Shanghai World Expo China Art exhibition lacquer painting exhibition panel

2009 : The 11th annual National Art Exhibition
« Judges of the National Art teacher Exhibition for Primary and Middle School students »

2008 : Judge of the third China Youth Art Exhibition
Rena collection of Chinese contemporary lacquer paintings Editor in Chief, Tianjin people’s Art Publishing House

2007 : The second Chinese lacquer Painting exhibition judges the second China Lacquer double-year exhibition

2005 : Kore :a Qingju International Craft Biennial International judges

2004 « The first National Lacquer Painting exhibition » Judges
Judges of the 10th National Art Exhibition

2008 : People’s Art Publishing HouseLacquer painting techniqueEditor

1996 : »The complete works of Chinese modern art, lacquer painting »(People’s Fine Arts Publishing House)Deputy editor-in-chief

1993 : People’s Art Publishing House »Cheng Xiangjun lacquer painting collection »


National Art Museum of China

Guangdong Museum of Art

Zhejiang Art Museum

Henan Art Museum

Fujian Art Museum

Xiamen Art Museum

Hubei Art Museum

Beijing JinDu Art Centres

Fine Arts literature Art Center

Ningbo Art Museum

Henzhen Art Museum

Dalian Zhongshan Art Museum

China National Academy of painting Art Museum

Korea Modern Woodworking Museum

Korea Tongyeong Lacquer Museum

Korea Keimyung University Art Museum

National Art Museum of Kyrgyz


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